Tax Implication when gain proceeds not remitted back to Indian account

Dear all
Can anyone help me understand if one is liable to pay tax if the proceed from sell transaction is kept in the dollar $ account and not remitted/ realized in the Indian account (not converted to INR).
Eg : After selling shares of Google say one make a profit of $100 and he use the same money invest back in Tesla / or keep it as is . Will the gain be taxable at that instance of profit booking or it is only taxable when the money is remittted back to INR Indian account?

Selling Google shares for a $100 profit triggers tax liability in India, irrespective of whether:

  1. You keep the money in a US dollar account.
  2. You reinvest the money into Tesla or other shares.
  3. You remit the money to India.

The profit is taxed at the time of sale (profit booking) under capital gains tax rules.

If you paid any taxes on this $100 gain in the US, you can claim tax credit in India under the DTAA (Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement) between India and the US.