New to US stocks: Looking to Learn and Share!

Just made my first investment in the US stock market! I’m starting with the finanial sector and excited to learn from this community as i go. I’m also looking forward to sharing any insights i pick up along the way.


i am still sitting on the fence and learning but my guess is some stocks that would benefit from rate cut…would like to know thoughts from the community

Welcome to the community :confetti_ball: @Ranganathan_Echo_296 . Feel free to share, ask questions, and make the most of this community—we’re all learning together! :rocket::chart_with_upwards_trend:

Hi @Gautam_Echo_205 , Welcome to the community. :confetti_ball:

You can check out the discussion here for earnings report and also comments regarding policy impact. Any insights from earning reports? - #2 by Yash-US

Feel free to start a new conversation asking for suggestions or sharing your thoughts on stocks that would benefit from the rate cut.

Hope you find the community useful :smiling_face: